Presentación Borrador del LCAP. Todos los padres de familia están invitados a asistir. Martes 7 de mayo a las 8:30 am en la Sala de Padres en Dogwood y a las 4:30 pm Heber MPR. Los padres de cualquiera de las escuelas pueden asistir a las sesiones.
about 5 years ago, Alejandra Pasten
LCAP Draft Presentation to Stakeholders. All parents are invited to attend. Tuesday May 7th at 8:30am Dogwood Parent Room and 4:30PM Heber MPR. Parents from either school may attend the sessions.
about 5 years ago, Alejandra Pasten
Child Nutrition Services always going the extra mile!
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
Just like grandmas.
Homemade Tortillas
Wow! Feeling very proud! Just notified that Heber School has also been selected as a National CKH Showcase School! That makes us a National CKH Showcase District. Thank you to our board for their confidence in our schools and making the investment.
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
HEBER Elementary.
Extremely proud of Dogwood School Staff - Newest nationally recognized showcase school. “Don’t live within your beyond your dreams” ##ExcellencebyDesign
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
Dogwood Elementary selected as a National Showcase School.
We just received notice that our very own, Sandra Villa, has been selected as one of three imperial county Classified Employees of the Year! #excellencebydesign
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
Sandra with Principal Silva and Director Navarro
The gym is nearing completion - a little longer but worth the wait!
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
Locker room.
New floor.
Heber Hawks Drumline Best of the El Centro Mardi Gras Parade!
over 5 years ago, Stefanie Siqueiros
Heber Drumline
Heber Drumline
Heber Drumline
Heber Drumline
Proud of the Heber Hawks Drumline!
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
Help us make our school district better! Please answer this survey centered on LCAP. Your input is highly valuable and much appreciated. English Survey:
over 5 years ago, Alejandra Pasten
¡Ayúdenos a mejorar nuestro distrito escolar! Por favor, conteste esta encuesta centrada en el LCAP. Su aportación es muy valiosa y muy apreciada. Encuesta Español:
over 5 years ago, Alejandra Pasten
Heber’s Lunch on the Lawn!
over 5 years ago, Stefanie Siqueiros
Lunch on the Lawn
Lunch on the lawn
Lunch on the lawn
Lunch on the lawn
Extremely proud of our team - Congratulations to our 2018-19 Teachers of the year: Brenda Loo and Sylvia Espinoza!
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
Ms. Espinoza
Ms. Loo.
A day at the Sonny Bono Salton Sea Refuge.
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
Fabulous Third Grade Team!
Our “Careers on Wheels” Day had an impact on our students - special thanks to Ms. Robinson and Ms. Shaw for a great event!
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
Future law enforcement and firefighter!
Thank you to our parents for their participation in our Parent Involvement Events
over 5 years ago, Stefanie Siqueiros
Parent Training
Parent Training
Parent Training
Career on Wheels Day at Dogwood School
over 5 years ago, Stefanie Siqueiros
Career on Wheels
Career on Wheels
Welcome to Career on Wheels
Career on Wheels
Proud of the Heber Chess Team - State champions! Special thanks to Tony Lambert for all the time he invests in students.
over 5 years ago, Juan Cruz
Heber Chess Team
Our Heber Chess Team ready for action
over 5 years ago, David Ostermann
Our Heber Chess Team
The Room is ready for the Heber Chess Team at the State Championships.
over 5 years ago, David Ostermann
Championship Room